The natural hair envy
I've been natural for almost 5 years, 5 years of failed twist outs, protective styles and fairy knots and while my hair has grown considerably, since my TWA phase. Yes it is about bra strap length when stretched, but the envy I experience is ridiculous. Case in point let talk about my sister: she's been natural since 2013,has an occasional fairy knots, has gorgeous curls with only four twist and usually at all times, and wait for it....... hair is longer than mine. We use similar products and I know she's a little bit more religious with her nightly twist out game, but yeah somewhere in the world this has to be unfair. Combine this with YouTube and Instagram vloggers and you set yourself up for envy which equals natural hair failure. I can't help to lust after you Naptural85, you just wake it so darn easy to!
The time commitment
When I went natural, I thought I was rid of the days of spending all day and some part of the evenings on my hair. WRONG! I have to pre-poo, dry detangle, co-wash, section into 4, condition, deep condition, cherry lolita, henna, LOC, twist out and then after all of that it takes 2 score and 7 years to dry! I can't!And this is every single week! Don't forget to twist it out every night:
The styling
I too have committed hours and hours to watching YouTube videos. I've seen the quick, or so the YouTube video timer suggest, styles that come out perfect if you use the perfect blend of that product and this technique. I've tried the said style to come out looking like who shot it and ran. Forget about trying to wash and go! My hair has the uncanny ability to knots into multiple variations of crazy and forget about finding a good winter style that leaves your hair perfectly coiled but not wet in 5 below weather.
My empty pockets
That was the perfect segway to this topic, how much we spend on products. When I was relaxed I knew my monthly hair budget was relaxer/tip+ biweekly doobie+ blue magic hair grease= definite number. Now as a natural you find yourself searching for that holy grail of products that will make your hair have that extra coiffed poof, maintain hair definition, moisture, and just to prevent it from just being an all around hot mess. Or watching Youtube you see the natural who you love with your hair type using this product and it comes out gorgeous and your like I NEED IT!!!!!Product junkie Life is a expensive habit!
While this is not my natural hair suicide note and I'm preparing to jump in a vat of creamy crack, but it's more of me breaking the "oh natural hair is soooooooooo wonderful at all times" myth that a lot of the natural hair natzis like to push out in social media. I know this post might get a lot of #clapback but I had to be honest.
What are you frustrations with natural hair? Or is it all butterflies and rainbows for you?
Leave your comments below.
Till later....
Toodles Darling,